Terms and Conditions

Terms, Conditions and General Information

Please read the Terms, Conditions & General Information contained in these pages very carefully. They outline the terms under which your GoPack tour will operate and they limit our liability. GoPack is a division of SITA World Tours. Payment of deposit and/or final payment is an acknowledgement of receipt of these terms & conditions and constitutes acceptance of such as outlined.


Early reservations are essential to ensure availability of space. Full prepayment is due to GoPack at the time of reservation. If full payment is not received at our offices within 72 hours from the date of reservations, booking/s is/are subject to cancellation. After receipt of payment by GoPack, any change/s made to the reservation/s will incur a processing fee of $25 per change (see also cancellation clause).


TRAVEL AGENT and the AGENCY represented, warrant and agree that:

1. TRAVEL AGENT and the AGENCY represented will exercise due diligence in verifying the Cardholder’s identity and signature, and securing proper authorization from the Cardholder for the transaction. TRAVELAGENT may fill and sign GoPack’s CC authorization form as Cardholder only when TRAVEL AGENT receives written authority from the Cardholder to use his/her credit card for purchase(s), and only after identity has been verified by the TRAVEL AGENT. TRAVEL AGENT must provide GoPack with a copy of the TRAVEL AGENT’S charge form or cardholder’s written authority upon request.

2. TRAVEL AGENT and AGENCY represented accept full responsibility for charge-backs, disputes and other non-payments by the Passenger, Cardholder or Credit Card Company. In this event, GoPack will first present to the credit card company the charge form, signed by the Cardholder or the Cardholder’s (verified) written authority as provided to us by the TRAVEL AGENT. If the credit card company rejects the authorization for any reason, TRAVEL AGENT will pay GoPack the full amount of the charge-back within 15 days of written notice.


All tour prices are based on a minimum of 2 passengers traveling together. Single Occupancy rates are applicable for single travelers or travelers wishing to have sole use of hotel accommodations. All prices / rates shown are in United States Dollars and are per person sharing a double-bedded hotel room. These prices are in effect at this time and are subject to change at any time prior to departure. Quoted tour prices are based on current rates of exchange, tariffs and taxes as applicable at the time of booking. GoPack reserves the right to increase tour prices to cover increased costs of tariffs, taxes, park fees and fluctuations in foreign exchange markets. Best available airfares will be quoted, as applicable at time of departure, based on individual gateways for the complete air itinerary. In case of air and land inclusive packages, gateways will be disclosed within the package content.


GoPack tour products are price competitive. The itineraries are pre-chosen and cannot be amended. Tour departures operate on a join-in basis and are guaranteed with a minimum of two passengers.


All participants must be in possession of a passport valid for 6 months beyond the re-entry date into the United States. A visa or visas may be required for some or all of the countries visited on the holiday or tour selected. Please check your visa requirement/s at time of booking. GoPack will provide visa information and application forms, if required. GoPack recommends a reliable visa service that will assist in obtaining visa/s for nominal fee/s. Non U.S. Citizen/s may have different requirements. It is the passenger's responsibility to ensure that all his or her visa and passport requirements are met.


Acknowledgement of booking will be sent immediately upon initiation of a reservation. Electronic receipt will be sent upon deposit. Final tour documents including itinerary will be submitted by e-mail.


Due to the special nature of the programs, suppliers impose rigid cancellation fees; please be aware that GoPack has no control over such fees and cannot make any exceptions to these charges.

Note: All cancellations must be received by GoPack in writing; cancellation/s will be effective when the written notice is received at the GoPack offices in Encino, CA.
NO REFUNDS whatsoever will be made for cancellations received within the last 75 days prior to departure. If a cancellation is received more than 75 days prior to departure the rendered payments will be refunded with the exception of a $250.00 per person administrative fee.

IMPORTANT: Airfares are subject to different rules and cancellation fees issued by the air carrier; many may be non-refundable. Details will be provided at the time of booking.

To protect against cancellation charges, we strongly recommend purchasing Travel Insurance including Cancellation Protection and Travel Interruption (see Insurance clause).


No refund will be made for any unused accommodations, missed meals, transportation segments, cruise portions, sightseeing tours or any other service. Such unused items are neither refundable nor exchangeable (no exceptions).


GoPack strongly recommends the Travel Protection Program designed exclusively for guests on GoPack tours and underwritten by Travel Insured International. The plan protects you and your investment in the event of a medical emergency before or during your trip and offers an array of additional coverage. By reading this insurance clause and acknowledging you have read the terms & conditions you acknowledge you have been made aware of the importance of travel insurance. If you elect not to purchase travel insurance you agree to hold GoPack, a Division of SITA World Tours, its parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless from any damages resulting from the failure to carry travel insurance.


Health regulations for some countries visited on featured tours may require proof of inoculation and/or vaccination certificates; such certificates should be in your possession throughout the entire tour. GoPack strongly recommends that you consult with your personal physician or Passport Health at 888-499-7277 or via the web at www.passporthealthusa.com in regards to your itinerary and required inoculations. You may also visit the website of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) at www.cdc.gov.



A handling fee of $30 per transaction is charged for any alteration or revision made to a reservation. Spelling corrections to client's names after tickets have been issued will be subject to airline revision fees. Courier delivery costs apply if any changes are made within five weeks prior to departure. A change of date or itinerary within 95 days of departure will be treated as a cancellation and new booking; in this case regular cancellation fees apply.


Deviations to the planned cruise or rail itineraries are possible, although every effort will be made to keep them as they are shown. All cruise or rail routes are subject to change without notice. Should conditions render cruise or rail routes unsafe for navigation, alternative services may apply, including but not limited to, accommodation on the docked ship (for cruise itineraries) and/or substitute ground arrangements.



Accommodations on a double occupancy basis, will be provided at the property specified or similar. Rooms will be assigned by the respective supplier/s on a run-of-the-house basis, in category/ies as specified in the itinerary. The hotels featured in the itinerary will be in accordance to the level of the program - First Class, Deluxe or Luxury - (this term may be defined by the hospitality industry in the region providing such accommodation or by trade custom). All per person rates are based on double occupancy of the respective accommodation units as described above. A tour member occupying a single room, either by choice or by circumstance, is required to pay the single room supplement. Quoted single room rate does not necessarily mean single occupancy of a double room, as some of the establishments featured in this web site have especially designed single occupancy units.


Meals for each tour are included as stated on itinerary. A la Carte, Buffet meals and/or table d'hôte are offered. Special meals and entertainment are included as shown in the itinerary. In some rare instances, a meal may not be of a standard expected under the term of "deluxe" particularly in remote areas.


The following services are included in your tour price: transportation between the airports and hotels, sightseeing with English-speaking guides as mentioned in the itinerary and all entrance fees to attractions visited as described in the itinerary. Sightseeing will be via motor coach, private car and other modes of transportation (air conditioned where necessary and available), as determined by the nature of the terrain and as outlined in the itinerary. Transfers are not included when arriving or departing at the first destination gateway by means other than the scheduled tour flights unless specified in itinerary.


Cultural entertainment events, gala evenings and/or festivals are included as per the itinerary.


The airlines used in conjunction with tours and holidays featured in this website are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passenger/s is not/are not onboard their aircraft. The passenger tickets in use by the airline, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airline and passenger/s. Airfares, where used, are subject to change without notice.


Bookings made within 30 days of departure incur a $50 handling fee.


For tour departures that are not guaranteed: If you are purchasing a non-refundable air ticket, please make sure that your travel agent explains to you and/or you understand the difficulties associated with these airfares. GoPack cannot be held responsible for any change/cancellation penalties associated with non-refundable airfares.


Arrangements include transportation and transfer of two standard-sized suitcases per person. Please also see below Airline Baggage rules, which may differ.


Baggage allowance, size, and the cost to transport baggage vary by carrier and flight length. It can also vary by the mileage-status a passenger holds with a preferred air carrier. Travelers will need to check with their air-carrier in regard to the specific baggage rules & regulations applicable to them on a given journey.

Baggage and personal effects are at owner's risk throughout the tour and baggage insurance is strongly recommended (see insurance clause). Carrier liability for tour members' baggage is clearly stated on the passenger contract printed on all tickets; description can also be found for inspection at the airport or on the carrier’s website. Liability for checked and unchecked baggage shall in no event exceed the actual loss incurred by the passenger, subject to proof of the amount of loss. Please read all of the conditions of your carrier. Federal law and treaties limits the amount of recovery for loss of or damage to your luggage or its contents. To protect against such limitations, we strongly recommend that you purchase insurance (see insurance clause).


Your tour price does not include: Air transportation (unless specifically stated as included); costs and fees to obtain or extend your passport/s; visa fees and processing fees; inoculations and vaccinations (if required); health certificate; airport taxes and country departure taxes (if applicable); all items of a personal nature including alcoholic beverages (except on certain occasions): meals not specified, tips to tour guides; excess baggage charges; cancellation, health, accident and baggage insurance; private, non-group transfers; and any items not specifically listed as included.


GoPack reserves the right to take photographs during the operation of any program and to use resulting photographs for promotional purposes. Any passengers who prefer that their images not be used are asked to notify their tour escort at the beginning of the program.


GoPack, a division of SITA World Travel, Inc. (dba SITA World Tours) of Encino, California and all affiliates (herein referred to as "GoPack") act only in the capacity as an agent for the hotels, airlines, bus companies, railroads, ship lines, and/or contractors providing accommodations, transportation or other services to the client. The client is advised that GoPack purchases such transportation, hotel accommodations, restaurant and other services from various independent suppliers who are not affiliated with GoPack. GoPack makes every effort to select the best suppliers of the aforementioned services. However, GoPack does not control the operations of these agents and as a result, CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER CLAIM which may occur as the result of any and/or all of the following: (1) the wrongful, negligent or arbitrary acts or omissions on the part of the independent supplier, agent, its employees or others who are not under the direct control or supervision of GoPack; (2) defects or failures of any vessel, aircraft, vehicle or other instrumentality which is under the control of an independent supplier; or (3) loss, injury or damage to person, property or otherwise, resulting directly or indirectly from any Acts of God, dangers, incidents at sea, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, or wars (whether declared or not), acts of terrorism, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, thefts, pilferage, medical epidemics, quarantines, or customs regulations, defaults, delays or cancellations or alterations in itinerary due to schedule changes, or from any causes beyond GoPack's control. Further, GoPack is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from insufficient or improperly issued passports, visas or other legal documents. All coupons, exchange orders, receipts, contracts and tickets issued by GoPack are issued subject to any and all tariffs, terms, and conditions under which any services are provided by such hotels, airlines, bus companies, railroads, ship lines or owners or contractors or by their person in employ.


GoPack (when deemed necessary) reserves the right to: (1) cancel any itinerary or any part of it; (2) make any alterations to the itinerary (including, but not limited to, alterations to substitution of hotels); and (3) decline to accept or to retain any person as a tour passenger should such person's health, mental or physical condition, in the sole opinion of GoPack, impede the operation of the tour of the other passengers. Tour members are held responsible for being in sufficient good health to undertake the tour. If a passenger is asked to leave while the tour is in progress, that person will be responsible for charges incurred on account of such departure from the tour and/or their return to the U.S.A. In such a case, GoPack will refund any monies that can be recovered for the unused portion of the tour, taking into account additional charges incurred by GoPack. Other than to refund such sum, GoPack will accept no further liability or obligation toward that person or third party.


GoPack is not responsible for any errors, omissions or misquotes contained in brochures or on websites or any other accompanying promotional documentation. The contents of brochures, websites or promotional documentation may be changed at any time (including, but not limited to, rates and itinerary) without notice and at GoPack's sole discretion.


It is specially agreed that this agreement is entered into in the district of Van Nuys, county of Los Angeles, state of California. In the event any legal or equitable action is brought against GoPack concerning the interpretation, enforcement or breach of any term, obligation or duty as contained or related to the terms and conditions set forth in this website, or pursuant to federal law, statute or treaty to which the United States is a signatory, the venue of such action shall lie exclusively in the district of Van Nuys, county of Los Angeles, state of California.


It is specifically agreed and stipulated that the law of the state of California shall govern and apply to any legal or equitable action brought against GoPack concerning the interpretation, enforcement or breach of any term, obligation or duty contained in this website, or pursuant to any federal law, statute or treaty to which the United States is a signatory.


Contact your travel agent for more information and further assistance with reservations on any tour. Your travel agent can also assist you with obtaining visas, travel insurance and can provide general destination information. You may also call GoPack at 800.421.5643.