Flavors of Ireland

Day 1 - Welcome To Ireland

Arrive at Dublin Airport. Transfer to your Dublin hotel under own arrangements. You are free to explore the city at your leisure this afternoon. Your hotel will be within walking distance of the city centre. Overnight in Dublin. (D)

Day 2 - Ireland's Midlands, Blarney Castle & Kerry

Today meet with your coach & English speaking driver/guide & depart Ireland's Capital traveling to County Kerry. En route, stop in the town of Blarney to visit Blarney Castle. Here you will find the legendary Stone of Eloquence. Kiss it & you'll never again be lost for words. Enjoy some time for shopping at Blarney Woollen Mills. The presence of the Woollen Mills during the famine shielded Blarney from the worst effects of the famine, due to its employment of local workers. In 1976 Chris Kelleher, himself a mill worker, bought the old mill property. Within a short period of time Chris & his family transformed the mill into what is perhaps the largest quality craft shop in Ireland. Overnight in Kerry (Bed & breakfast).

Day 3 - Ring Of Kerry

Today you can enjoy a superb tour of the Iveragh Peninsula, which will give you the opportunity to discover the Ring of Kerry. Taking in spectacular scenery such as mountains, peat, bogs, lakes and magnificent views of the Atlantic Ocean. Leaving Killarney pass through Killorglin, famous for its Puck Fair, then to Glenbeigh where the cliff road affords panoramic views of the Dingle Peninsula & Dingle Bay. Passing through the peat bogs one arrives at the sea town of Waterville. Continue to Sneem Village, famous for its brightly coloured houses, before arriving back in Killarney. Next today enjoy transportation of a different kind! A pony and trap (also known as a Jaunting Car) helps you discover areas of Killarney National Park that you might not otherwise visit. Relax aboard a jaunting car as your Jarvey [driver] takes you through the magnificent scenery of the National Park. Today enjoy dinner on your own in one of the many restaurants or pubs in Killarney town. Overnight in Kerry (Bed & breakfast)

Day 4 - Burren & Cliffs Of Moher

Travel northwards to Tarbert & take a short boat ride across the mouth of the River Shannon to land on Clare's shore at Killimer. Travel along the coast to the Cliffs of Moher, the most majestic cliffs in Ireland which rise from the Atlantic Ocean & extend for over 7km. On a clear day, you can admire the Aran Islands & Connemara Mountains. Enjoy a tour of the Burren Region. The Burren is a strange & unique region in Europe; it is a high plateau of porous limestone situated in Northern Clare. The limestone is bare with no trees growing here or land covering the stone. But the Burren is not as deserted as we believe: the cracks allow different types of flowers to grow all year round. The rocks hide many caves like Ailwee.

OPTIONAL Medieval Banquet at Bunratty Castle
Bunratty Castle was built in the 15th century by the Earl of Thomond and stands on the banks of the Raite River in County Clare. The Earl was known for his generosity and his lavish entertainment and banquets. The entertainment today is provided by the superb Bunratty Singers & is a fitting compliment to the lively mead reception, a fourcourse meal and of course good wine. Guests are invited to enjoy an unforgettable evening in the splendour of this magnificent castle & take a true step back in time to Medieval Ireland. Overnight in Limerick (Bed & breakfast)

Day 5 - Galway To Dublin & Farewell

After a final Irish breakfast transfer to Shannon for your flight home - transfer under own arrangements. OR Travel to Dublin via Galway City, with its narrow streets, old stone and wooden shop fronts, good restaurants and busy pubs. The city has attracted a bohemian crowd of musicians and artists, which add so much to the character of the city. Enjoy some free time in the city for some personal sightseeing or shopping. Continue to Dublin, arriving at approx. 16.00 - transfer to Dublin Airport for departure flight home. Alternatively we can book hotel accommodation for you in Dublin.