
4 Days / 3 Nights

Day 1 - Arrive Johannesburg

Arrive Johannesburg, where you are met and transferred to your hotel..

Day 2 & 3 - Johannesburg

Spend the days at leisure. Optional excursions available. (B)

OPTIONAL: SOWETO HALF DAY (operates daily) - You know the name. It's a legend. SOWETO, acronym for South Western Township, is home to over 2 million people, who, despite living in crowded and chaotic conditions, have a tangible sense of community, one which ironically, the ordered, walled, elitist northern suburbs lack. Inside Soweto, guests visit the Kliptown Open Air Museum where delegates met in 1955 to adopt the Freedom Charter, now the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights and the South African Constitution. This journey continues to Regina Mundi Church, site of many secret underground meetings of the then banned political parties. The next stop is the Hector Pieterson Museum, and discover the cause of the tragic riots which led to his death; guests will pass Mandela House, and give you time to visit this fascinating little museum (own account). Finally we take you past the largest stadium in Africa, Soccer City, host of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Final. Soweto is unlike a suburb you've ever seen or been to, yet the history of struggle encapsulated here is a cornerstone of the South African Story.

OPTIONAL: JOURNEY TO FREEDOM FULL DAY (operates on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays) - Many South Africans gave much, some gave all, to achieve a truly democratic South Africa. Come join on this full day tour which shares some of the journey, pain and struggle of those heroes; witness the places, experience the diverse museums where these momentous, tumultuous years have been so well documented. Your day begins at the Kliptown Open Air Museum where delegates met in 1955 to adopt the Freedom Charter, now the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights and the South African Constitution. The next significant stop is the fascinating Regina Mundi Church, site of so many of the underground meetings of the then banned political parties. Standing in here, you can feel the tension, picture the intensity, the strain on the faces of those unthinkably brave souls, committed at any cost to changing the way of life of a nation. Your next stop is the Hector Pieterson Museum, where you start to unravel the cause of the devastating riots, before travelling past Mandela House, where you have the option of visiting this small museum (own account). Lunch in Soweto at a local restaurant. Then continue your journey driving past the affluent suburb of Diepkloof, which is in stark contrast to the lower income areas seen earlier in the day, en-route to the iconic Apartheid Museum. This is an interactive voyage of discovery, one which takes you from the dark days of whites only privilege, through to Nelson Mandela's historic release. The Apartheid Museum is a multimedia experience, with documentary film snippets, texts, sound clips and live accounts, recapturing life in the dark days of South Africa. It's a fascinating tour, filled with tales of bravery and sadness, but ultimately, it's a story with the right ending.

OPTIONAL: HISTORY OF HUMANKIND & LESEDI FULL DAY (operates Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays) - Going right back to the beginnings, to the exceptional World Heritage Site of The Cradle of Humankind. The superb Maropeng Visitor Centre is truly an exciting, world class exhibition, focusing on the development of humans and ancestors over the past few million years. From past to present, you'll be exploring Five cultures at the Lesedi Cultural Village, heart and home to families of a range of African tribes, all living harmoniously in traditional homesteads. You'll be right there experiencing the warmth and hospitality of people from the Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Sotho and Pedi cultures, and you'll find it fascinating. The multilingual, multi-visual orientation depicts the history of South Africa, and will deepen your understanding of the complexity of the multicultural community. Guests will enjoy a traditional African meal, a fine way to round off a day of new experiences and fresh insights

Day 4 - Depart Johannesburg

Transfer to the airport for your departure flight. (B)